Author: admin

I forgot about the warranty

When I got my new indoor air handling system at our old home, I thought there’d be nothing to worry about for a few years. Things were finally working out perfectly in my life! I had a job, a home and a quality indoor air control system. From the moment the heating and cooling business […]

The HVAC tech won’t take my calls anymore

You do the best that you can to be a pleasant, easy-going human being. Sometimes, it just doesn’t work out. I’m not sure if I’m socially inept, or what the issue is. Often, our brains get out of order and it impacts how we behave. This pushes people away, and leaves me feeling like a […]

I never thought about wear and tear

My HVAC devices were ineffectively handling the indoor air I never stopped to consider the life that I’ve been given until I changed my perspective a few years ago. It turns out, there are many ways to live besides the suburban drawl that seems to sink many people. These days, you don’t always have to […]

My uncle had the right idea

When my parents shared with me what life was about, I stupidly believed them. They always preached the importance of getting a good education, a great job and a decent home. Settling down and preparing for a long life, leading to a miserable death was the correct way to conduct yourself, they said. So, I […]