Progress in our new cooling corporation

Since I started my business about five years ago, I have always had a quarterly meeting to review my progress, learn from my mistakes, and congratulate myself on the wins.

It has not been easy, but I was determined to leave my mark.

There was no room to quit, and I did my best to rise back stronger every time I received a blow. I chose four cooling representatives because I would say that out of everyone else, they believe in what I think when it comes to the business’s success. I have also had them the longest. The meeting was helpful yesterday, and in my opinion, we made headway. My company deals with HVAC equipment and provides air conditioning repair, replacement, or maintenance. I was surprised to learn that the business continued to grow despite the pandemic. We employed more cooling techs and trained more after the worst pandemic had passed. I would not necessarily say that the cooling industry took a big hit from the pandemic, but some businesses shut down. Some of our best sellers were cooling equipment. The latest that has picked up is the mini-split air conditioner. Cooling is essential to help with indoor comfort. I have also noted a need for homeowners to learn more about air conditioning to make informed decisions. Still, luckily our cooling corporation offers free consultation when picking the right quality air conditioner. Our cooling specialists go as far as doing a follow-up once the air conditioner once installation is complete. During the pandemic, we also tripled our demand for high-quality HEPA filters, which drew most customers to our company.

zone controlled hvac

Taking Time to Clean my Furnace Filter Today

My only job today is going to be cleaning my furnace filter at some point and then I am going to make my homemade pasta sauce for dinner tonight.

I like to cook during the day and have it all done so when dinner time rolls around all I have to do is heat it up for a few minutes.

I am going to work on my HVAC system today and get the filter cleaned so that when I turn on the heat in a few weeks it won’t blow a bunch of dust out of the vents. I don’t think I have cleaned it since last winter so I am sure there is a lot of dust in it. My HEPA filter in my air conditioner is clean but that doesn’t help me much when it comes to the heating. I have two filters in my central unit that need to be cleaned regularly. I have a couple of cats and I notice that the HEPA filter catches a lot of cat fur, which is good because I am allergic to cat fur and if it didn’t catch it I would be sneezing furiously. I love my cats but I need to make sure that their fur isn’t all over the place or I will suffer a lot. I have an automatic robot vacuum cleaner with a HEPA in it too and it also gets a lot of the cat fur that is on the floor, so between the two HEPA filters I think I am going to be okay with these shedding cats.

seer ratings

Healing the Knees Again From a Night of Ballin’

I did it again last night, playing way too many games of beach volleyball with my friends when I should have been taking it easy.

Today it will be impossible to play though because my knees are in a lot of pain and I need to rest a few days.

I’m supposed to be playing drums later with a group of people but I’m not sure I can even do that as my shoulders are quite sore too. I think today is just going to be a day of rest and working at home on my laptop. HVAC equipment writing jobs and HEPA filter cleaning are my jobs for the day, along with making a big pot of spaghetti sauce for me and my guests. Here are some tips for people who don’t know much about the HVAC world. If you have an HVAC system in your home, chances are you have a furnace filter. These filters help to keep dust and other particles out of your heating and cooling system, and they need to be cleaned on a regular basis. However, if you have allergies or other respiratory problems, you may want to consider upgrading to a HEPA filter. HEPA filters are designed to trap smaller particles than traditional furnace filters, making them ideal for people with allergies or asthma. In addition, HEPA filters can help to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system by preventing dust buildup. If you’re interested in upgrading to a HEPA filter, talk to your HVAC contractor about the best option for your system.



cooling technician

Some New HVAC Technology Coming to Your Store

If you’re in the market for new HVAC equipment, you may be wondering if it’s worth it to invest in the latest and greatest technology. Smart thermostats are all the rage these days, and heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular as well. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before making your purchase. First, heating and cooling costs can vary significantly depending on your climate. If you live in an area with a mild climate, you may not see a huge difference in your energy bills by upgrading to newer HVAC equipment. On the other hand, if you live in an area with extreme temperatures, investing in newer, more efficient equipment can help you save money in the long run. Additionally, HEPA filters are a great way to improve the quality of your indoor air. If you have allergies or asthma, investing in an HVAC system with a HEPA filter can make a big difference in your quality of life. Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that HVAC technology is constantly evolving. If you buy the latest and greatest equipment today, it’s likely that there will be even better options available next year. However, if you’re happy with your current system and it’s working well for you, there’s no need to upgrade just for the sake of staying current. Ultimately, whether or not you decide to buy new HVAC equipment is a personal decision that depends on your specific needs and preferences. However, if you do decide to upgrade, investing in state-of-the-art equipment can help you save money and improve your comfort level at home.


dual fuel system

My What a Difference a Day Can Make

Life can change in the blink of an eye, as my HVAC rep friend once told me.

When it seems like everything is going just fine it can all suddenly change just like that. And the opposite holds true, when it seems like nothing is going your way and everything seems like bad luck, life can change on a dime. I’ve been keeping my head down and working at the HVAC company as all of this bad luck hits me because I know life will get better soon. People find the love of their life in a moment, people win the lottery in one scratch of a ticket, people conquer their disease and are healthy again just like that. I’ve had a ton of bad luck hit me over the past two years so I am ready for that wave of good luck. I am lucky to have my job at the local business when it seems like everything else has fallen apart in my life. It’s actually not that bad but my mind likes to tell me otherwise. I am lucky to have my job working with some cool HVAC techs and HEPA filter salespeople. It keeps me in the mix with others when all I want to do is hibernate in my room. I know that being alone too much isn’t good so this job for the local contractor is saving my life. I will just keep on keeping on and hope for things to turn around as they always seem to do for me. Life is good and worth living.



hvac business

Thinking of My Dad the Old HVAC Salesman

My dad, the HVAC business owner and salesman, has been gone almost two years now and I am still trying to come to terms with it.

  • I not only lost my dad but a whole bunch of other things fell apart in the meantime knocking me down to a point where I no longer wanted to get back up.

But I realize that I must get up and keep pushing forward because death is just a part of life. I lost my money, the love of my life, and my health over the past two years and am working to build it all back again. I am still working for the local contractor through it all and will continue to do so while I walk along the path to recovery. I’ve never lost so much in my life as I have over the past two years, teaching me that not everything is forever but that you can bounce back from almost everything if you have a strong sense of self and trust in the process of life. I am happy to be working on HVAC equipment each day as it takes my mind off of all the heavy things that hit me lately. I’ll be okay soon and will find my happy self again and keep on keeping on down the road of life. I’ll clean my HEPA filter today and read some of my dad’s poetry later on as I sit by my fireplace and stare at the flames. My dad’s memory will live on in my heart and I’ll see him again one day somewhere.

air duct cleaning

Just Had a Great Meditation Session Today

I just had such a relaxing meditation session as it put me in a deep state of relaxation and now I feel refreshed and recharged.

This is how those ice cold sea water dips make me feel too but it is the middle of summer and cold sea dips are far off in the distant past till winter rolls around again.

I think I fell asleep some during this meditation session but I did get into a good deep state of meditation before sleeping. It helps reset my mind and teaches me to have patience. The HEPA filter salesman at the old local business got me into meditating before he passed away last year. I used to look forward to seeing him each day when I went for my walk beside the HVAC company where he worked for so long. I still look for him when I walk by, hoping to see his smile but all I see is my reflection in the empty window. The store has since closed down and has been empty since the old man passed away. He was a constant fixture there over the years and a lot of the HVAC customers came in to talk to him each day. I think he made it to 87 years old before dying so I guess he had a pretty good run. A lot of my friends have passed away too, reminding me to cherish life while I still have it. I’ll work on my HEPA filter today as it is dirty and needs to be cleaned, reminding me of the old man who I once used to know.

cooling technology