Moving to somewhere warmer

For the longest time now I’ve been looking to move somewhere warmer. This is because I have lived in a cold climate my entire life and I’m really tired of living in some places that are always cold. I’d always gotten cold easily, even as a child and so I had always wanted to move somewhere warm. My parents on the other hand were just the opposite, they and my two siblings were lovers of the cold. They would actively go out and spend almost all day in the snow if you let them. It’s only when the temperature is dropped dangerously low that they would actually come in and get warm. It was only me and my sister that didn’t really care for the cold. Still, even though we didn’t care for the cold we did have a lot of fun in the snow. I have a lot of fun memories of making snowmen with my siblings. However, as much fun as the cold may have offered me, I’m ready to move on to something much better. And for me that much better thing is something warmer. I’ve already been looking at the southern states that stay warm all throughout the year and I think I’ve already made up my mind on where I’m going to move to. Now I gotta find an apartment there and make the arrangements. The best part about moving to somewhere warm is that the heating and AC unit will be combined so that I won’t have to worry about furnace repairs anymore.

heating provider

I couldn't stay in the cold climate any longer

I have lived in a cold climate all my life and it lasted to a point where I couldn’t stay in it any longer.

I’m tired of the same thing every single year.

Every year I would have to go and bundle up nice and warm if I didn’t want to freeze. That in the heating bills every year kept rising and getting more and more expensive. I had to maintain my space heater, as well as my central heating system, which for me was my furnace. And the worst part was that even if I do my best to maintain my heating system it would still sometimes break down. Last winter I had really bad luck and I had my furnace break down during the winter. This is despite the fact that he didn’t coin tune-ups from the local HVAC business before the furnace had broken down, yet only a few months later the furnace broke down. It broke down and winter had already arrived and I had to quickly call an emergency HVAC service to get them to come out and fix it so I wouldn’t freeze. Thankfully they got out here really quickly and repaired it. It kind of cost me a heavy repair bill. I’m just tired of living in a cold climate overall and I think I’m ready to go and live somewhere warm. I have been looking at places that are in warmer States for quite a while now and I’m just waiting for the right opportunity to pack my things and go.

electric heater

Try a UV light filter

Have you ever tried a UV light filter? If you have never tried anything you should really consider trying one.

The UV light filter works by killing any germs, dirt, and bacteria, on contact. The good news is that the UV light filter is not complicated, all you have to do to use a UV light filter is to have it attached to your HVAC system and then have it turned on. Once it’s on and running the UV light will kill any germs that would otherwise get into your air. This is great because if those germs are getting into your air and you’re breathing them in then they can make you sick but the UV light filter prevents all of that from happening. A UV light filter is a bulb that attaches to your heating and cooling system. The only downside to having a UV light filter is that you need to frequently check on the UV light filter to make sure that the bulb hasn’t burned out. If the bulb has burned out it will need to be replaced, or if it’s not replaced with another bulb you can always use something like a HEPA filter which is just as good as a UV light filter. Either of these choices are great options if you’re looking to have good indoor air quality. The best way to ensure that your home is safe and healthy, is to have some sort of purification system or filter system to ensure that your air is always safe and clean to breathe.




My furnace is getting old

My furnace is getting really old.

Makes me sad to see my furnace getting old considering that I’ve had it since I was a kid.

This is the same furnace that I’ve grown up with and I’ve known my entire life, and while I know that I’m going to need to replace it because I need to keep up with modern HVAC technology, it’s still hard to let it go. I decided to cheer myself up by looking at newer furnaces. Even though I had to get rid of my old first, it doesn’t mean I had to be sad about it, instead I could be excited about getting a brand new one for us. I figured that would give me something to look forward to. I’m really glad I decided to think this way too because it didn’t take me long to find a brand new furnace that I like even better than my old friend. It was really modern and I promised great results. So I wasted no time purchasing it and having a heating and AC technician come out and perform installation for me. The heating and cooling guys that came out to install it really fast. They had the entire new furnace finished in under an hour. I was really impressed with their work and how quickly they got everything done and I went to use my new furnace. It was the beginning of a new era for me, and my furnace.

Geothermal heat pump

Considering HVAC zone control

My husband and I have been considering getting a HVAC for our own control system.

This is because we have eight kids. I know most people that have a ton of kids, and I would agree that we do have a lot of children, and it is because we have a lot of children and people that live in our household that we try to make everybody as comfortable as possible. Part of the way we make everyone as comfortable as can be as we want to get a zone controlled HVAC system. What is a zone control HVAC system you might wonder? A zone controlled HVAC system is when you’re able to control the temperature of multiple rooms and your house using one thermostat. This is because the zone control allows you to split your heating and cooling into multiple rooms. Is because of the technology that each individual person will be able to control the temperature of their own room. This is going to work perfect for our kids because they all have very different temperature preferences and they’re always arguing over the thermostat. Our hope is that it will bring some peace to the household and for ourselves. Unfortunately, zone control heating cooling systems in my area are a bit expensive and it’s for the reason that we have not decided to definitely get one, however we would like to get one just when we can afford it financially.



The air filter had never been changed

Recently I went to someone’s house to see what was wrong with their Heating and cooling system.

  • If you don’t already know, I work as a heating and AC technician and my job is all about repairing heating and cooling systems for those that are having issues with their HVAC unit.

Sometimes people have done everything they could for their heating and cooling system and it just isn’t working out, and other times some people don’t even know how to take the most basic care of their HVAC system and so they run into problems. This customer was in the latter category. I went to this woman’s home after she had scheduled an air conditioning repair. I asked her what the problem was with her air conditioning system. She said that it seemed to run fine but the air quality was pretty bad. So I asked her when the last time she did your filter was and she looked at me completely confused. She actually got a deer in the headlights look, she quietly said that she didn’t know if she was supposed to change the air filter. Admittedly, I had a hard time not laughing, I can believe someone wouldn’t know something so basic. But I wasn’t trying to be mean, I just thought it was funny that she wouldn’t know something so simple. I gave her a free air filter and showed her how to change the air filter on her Heating and cooling system. We haven’t had any heating and AC appointments from her since then.

Space heater for sale

The air purifiers worked as expected

I love it when I get a product that works exactly as I would expect it to.

Not all products in the past have worked like they were advertised and that always had disappointments, but the air purifiers that I bought from the heating and cooling company in my neighborhood are not one of those products.

As a matter of fact, your purifiers worked better than a lot of other products that I have bought from the same heating and cooling business. It was because in the past that I had bought other products that didn’t work exactly as I hoped that they would but I was skeptical about getting this hair purifier. However, I knew that I really needed it and so I bought three from my local heating company and my a/c business. I bought one for the living room, one for the bedroom, and one for the kitchen. My focus was on the areas that had the most activity and I was hoping that these areas would have air purifiers and therefore make my home and indoor quality within my home extra clean. When I first got the air purifier set up I wasn’t expecting much, but to my surprise he surpassed my expectations because I noticed that the rooms no longer had heavy and dirty feeling air, the air felt clean and light and breathable. So I was very happy with the air purifiers and then working exactly as I had hoped they would.

Whole home air purification