I see numerous people afraid to live plus also afraid to die.
They’re trapped in this episodic same old same old way of living where they aren’t growing or increasing because of fear.
I believe a lot of people living this way will have regrets in the end plus I choose to challenge myself plus push my boundaries so I won’t have lived a life of regrets from things undone or unsaid. I took the occasion plus got my Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C certification plus worked in the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C industry for numerous years, plus was successful in it because I took that chance. I’ve let numerous occasions pass myself and others by, never to come around again, plus I am not going to let others pass myself and others by without taking a chance. I wouldn’t have met my beautiful lady, who I passed by on the street by my flat numerous times, if I hadn’t taken the occasion plus talked to her. I work now at the local company near my condo plus am grateful for it plus that I took the occasion plus walked into the site to try plus get a job there. Life is full of occasions if you open your eyes plus if you have the courage to act on them, otherwise you will grow old plus bitter for letting fear bully you around. So that is my motivational speech for you this week plus I hope I’m not sounding too preachy. I believe I’ll clean my Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C program this week plus then take a slow leisurely ride along the coast plus believe about taking those chances.