Wish they’d repair this

I live in an cabin complex that has particularly lazy management.

When you need something fixed it takes them forever and you have to keep calling them to get anything done! The central heating, ventilation and A/C plan that heats and cools my cabin has been making a lot of noise lately.

This noise is particularly frustrating plus it also indicates that the central heating, ventilation and A/C plan is having some kind of problems that could lead to a real heat and a/c breakdown. And who knows if that happened if they would ever repair the thing or if I would die of a heat stroke or freeze to death as a result! I want to get this heating, ventilation and A/C plan looked at and checked on before something appreciate that happens. I keep calling them to get someone up here to look at it. It has been over a week now. If they do not send someone soon I am going to call a lawyer or something to frighten them. That is the only thing I can guess of to get them on the ball to repair this central heating, ventilation and A/C plan before it gets pretty serious. I have another 7 months left on this lease. When it is up I guess I am going to transport elsewhere, maybe I will rent a home. At least there you are dealing with 1 single property owner most of the time and they will repair your central heating, ventilation and A/C plan if needed because it is technically their central heating and air conditioner.


Mini split air conditioner