What financial smart is

I listen to a lot of investor shows and I am a part of those kinds of groups on instagram.

I even went on a trip to an investor weekend where all of us all talked about how all of us are improving our wealth.

I read books, talk to other investors, real estate agents, stock brokers, you name it. Basically I want to be financially smart. What does that mean? I want to be able to not worry about money at all. Basically now working 9-5, saving money in the bank and paying bills is a fantastic way to never financially be smart. What you need to do is make your money work for you. Money in the bank isn’t doing anything. It is much smarter to buy stock, purchase a rental property or flip houses plus put them for sale! You need assets in your basket. You want a high networth rather than a high bank account number. As a part of my financial independence I want to no longer work a regular 9-5 task. My goal is to have enough residential plus commercial rental properties to spend my money on my mortgage, car and food, but each rental should abruptly help me spend my savings for the next one, currently I have more than four rental properties under my belt! They range from being an apartment complex to a single family home. I technically have an impressive net worth plus could theoretically live off my rental checks I get. I am hesitant to do this. I guess I might want another rental plus then to hire a property director. That way my time isn’t spent on the rentals all day long, but looking for the next day.

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