So recently, I bought a condo cleaning business to come up with a side hustle that could add to my income.
Because of the pandemic, the people I was with and I stopped visiting homes and so the homeowners would bring their furniture that needed a clean such as the seats, carpet, and even the mattresses. Because the people I was with and I deal with a lot of chemicals from the cleaning products, the people I was with and I are always wearing our dust masks, but the people I was with and I still end up breathing the fumes. The heat pump at the office helps in keeping us cool through the summer time but it is not quite effective when it comes to providing indoor air pollen levels. My research on creating a better laboring environment led to purchasing an media air cleaner. Since my budget was not enough to purchase the ductless media air cleaner, I settled on a vented 1 complete with ductwork. The duct sealing step made the replacement process last a little longer than the standard 1s. I also opted for the washable filters as opposed to the disposable air filters as they are straight-forward to uninstall and reinstall and being affordable. As for the regulator, I decided to get a digital thermostat as it is state-of-the-art. This experience taught me that heat and AC products are easily lavish but they are a worthduringvestment as they last for a easily long time and supply unmatched comfort. The two of us all observed a significant improvement in the quality of air within the home after the air quality systems were installed. The professionals finished off the visit by providing guidelines on how to maintain the system. These guidelines included proper duct cleaning to ensure the air ducts are dust-free. Thanks to the help of the professionals from the local business, the people I was with and I are now breathing in wash air.
air quality