We had a really bad storm a few weeks back and this big tree in my backyard fell hard! It not only fell, but it crashed completely into my central heating and air conditioning system. I ended up having to call the local heating and air conditioning company to send out one of their most certified heating and air conditioning specialists because it made the central HVAC unit breakdown. Lucky for me that the central heating and air conditioning system was not completely broken. It was able to be repaired and the small dent that was in it from the tree falling was also fixed by the heating and cooling specialist from the local heating and air conditioning company. I really lucked out here. This was also a nice wake up call that I should sign up for the heating and cooling company’s heat and a/c service plan. Not having an HVAC service plan right now could have cost me thousands of dollars on a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system unit. However, if I had a heating and cooling service plan from the local heat and a/c company, my HVAC system would be fully covered from a storm or natural disaster. So this is what I ended up doing when the heating and cooling specialist was here fixing the HVAC system. I asked to sign up and pay for a year of their heating and cooling service plan. This way if something worse happens in the future I do not have to worry.