The HVAC system was clogged

When I looked down at the carpet, I couldn’t help but to have a massive frown appear on my face. Thanks to our kids, our once beige carpet was now a wide array of different colors. Different stains lined the carpet, some intentional, such as my kid’s using markets on the carpet, and some not. Then there were a few pet stains from the family dog as well. I decided that I could no longer keep paying to have the carpet cleaned, it was too far gone, and so I was going to have all of the carpet replaced. While the carpet was being replaced, I stayed at my friend’s place. My friend didn’t mind me staying over, and it allowed us a bit of time to catch up. I would be staying in the guest room for the night. The only thing my friend asked was to help bring in some old boxes she had in storage. I gladly helped out, and while I was loading the boxes in her garage, I stepped in something wet. I was used to stepping in puddles, usually because my kids spilled something, but I knew it couldn’t have been them. When I looked down I recognized the familiar puddle underneath an air conditioning system. I had this once before, and it was because of a clogged air filter. After I finished with the boxes, I made sure to tell my friend about my suspicions of a clogged air conditioning filter. My friend had no idea that there was an issue with the HVAC machine. After I left the next day, she called and told me that I was right, the HVAC worker confirmed it was a clogged air filter.



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