The Heating and A/C worker could not come out in the weather.

I had an appointment for the Heating and A/C worker to come to the house plus repair my furnace.

I woke up that morning wanting to have the house cleaned before she got there, but instead I was sending the adolescents back to bed.

My wife’s boss called plus said they were shutting the business down for the day. I hadn’t looked outside yet, even though I was sure it had snowed. It hadn’t just snowed, but a freak snowstorm had formed overnight, plus there was an all out blizzard bearing down on us. My fine friend and I already had nearly a foot of snow, plus it wasn’t supposed to let up until around 4 PM. I called the Heating and A/C dealer to see if the Heating and A/C worker was going to get through the storm, plus the woman who answered the iPhone said she wouldn’t even attempt it unless it was an emergency. I knew it wasn’t an emergency, so I told her no. I could not think the Heating and A/C worker could not come out in the weather. I was now wondering if the mailperson was going to make it… Didn’t they have a motto of neither rain nor snow, nor dark of not would keep them from delivering the mail? If the Heating and A/C worker could not make it to the house today, maybe he’ll be getting there the following day, just like our mailperson. She wasn’t going to make it here, either. I was blissful I didn’t have an emergency that would bring the Heating and A/C worker out today, however just in the hour it took to get the Heating and A/C dealer on the line, it had snowed another six inches. I wouldn’t want to go out in this weather.

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