I don’t expect all manufacturers to stay within the US, however at least spend our money for quality control wherever you take your factory. One of our number one guitar companies has a factory in Mexico that makes guitars that are nearly equal in value to their American made guitars, however the price is much lower to reflect the faster turn-around and the difference in wages. Regardless, their quality control for the Mexican factory is still harshly high compared to several other guitar manufacturers within that price range. This corporation realized a long time ago that it’s not necessarily about where something is made as long as the chosen factory understands the market demands and has a quality control team funded from the start. Some of the purchases I make give me a bizarre reaction sadly. This window air conditioner that I purchased last year has been slowly falling apart ever since I took it out of the box and first installed it in the window in our house office upstairs. It was much louder than our seasoned window air conditioner upon the first day of use. The noise in the window cooling system has only gotten worse with prolonged use. I think the fan motor for the window cooling system causes parts to vibrate as it oscillates during use. Now it’s a rattling mess and I’m wondering why I didn’t return the window cooling system to the store after trying it for the first time. I really could have gotten a refund given the frustrations that I’m facing with this horrible machine.