The animal hospital needed an air purifier.

My pup was in terrible pain last week after falling down the steps.

I thought he had internal injuries or had broken something.

I rushed him to the local animal hospital and took him into the emergency room. I sat there for ten minutes, and the smells were making me sick. I was afraid that if I had to sit there much longer, I was going to throw up. The smell of cat urine and feces was overwhelming. We dog odor was permeating into my clothing, and the smell of sick animals was enough to make you pass out. When I was finally called into the office, I had to say something. I told the doctor they needed an air purification system in their office. They had excellent HVAC, but without the air purifier, it wasn’t going to do any good. She asked me how I knew about the HVAC and the air purification system, and I told her I was an HVAC technician. She checked over Puffer and told me he was crying because he felt unsafe now. She showed me how to swaddle him and I should baby him with some pet formula for awhile. He would come around shortly. She then asked if I would come around one cday and look at the HVAC system. She had been considering having an air purification system installed, but hadn’t had the time to call the HVAC company. I was more than happy to help out, especially when I found out she was also single, and my age. Two weeks later I was installing a whole-home air purification system into the animal hospital, and setting up my first date with the doctor and our dogs.



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