We waited until Winter to purchase a new a/c unit.
We remembered how the Heating, Ventilation and A/C company had a clearance sale around Christmas, when they closed out on last year’s model a/c to make room for the new year models.
We thought all of us were going to save a lot of money, however it wasn’t nearly as much as all of us had anticipated, but because of inflation, prices rose suddenly and the leftover a/cs were the same price now as they were when they were new. I didn’t want to wait and see how high-priced new AC units would be, so all of us obtained 1 all of us liked. The AC equipment had a SEER of 19 and it was energy and cooling efficient. After the Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialist took our order, he told us that if the price came down before they delivered the AC unit, all of us would get the lower price, and I thanked him. When they finally delivered the a/c unit, I took 1 look at it, and told the Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialist that it was the wrong 1. This was not the a/c equipment all of us had ordered. He looked at the numbers on the a/c, and then at the order sheet. He said they matched, however there could be a problem with the order form. He asked what the differenced was. I told him all of us ordered an a/c equipment that had a low profile. He seemed to doubt what I said, even though he looked more closely at the order form, however our AC equipment had a Z in the numbers, and this 1 did not.