It is a fact that when you are pregnant your body temperature is raised.
I have found that I believe warmer, get warm rapidly plus need more hydration.
I need to wake up in the middle of the night to drink or else I really suffer. I am quick to vomit if I get too warm too. I live down south plus the hot plus cold temperatures are in the 90s everyday. I am someone that prefers being outside. I have given up on kneeling in the sunshine. I stick to the shade now. The issue is that I still sometimes flare up with nausea. I try cool drinks plus frequently go inside the AC. That helps somewhat. For every minute I stand outside, I go inside the air conditioning for 30 minutes. I usually take the time to mop the floors, clean the bathroom or do a little labor on our kindle. It is straight-forward to kill in 30 minutes. The AC feels so great on myself and others plus stops myself and others from feeling sick. I used to hate our air conditioning unit. I was quick to turn up the temperature control in the Summer plus not have it blow on me. My hubby prefers it that I run hotter now. He can blast the AC all day long in the apartment plus I don’t complain at all. I even invested in a Heating, Ventilation and A/C program where the worker comes multiple times a year. He has already come by to ensure the cooling system is in tip top shape, however at this rate I couldn’t go separate from AC for 2 minutes. I would be nauseous, have a headache plus be totally irritated.