Summer is dwindling down to just a few weeks left now as the two of us enter the end of July soon. A lot of the people in our small neighborhood are here just for the summer time season plus then they head back to their hometowns to continue their lives elsewhere. It has been a fun summer time so far plus I am looking forward to cooler temps plus our cold water dips. It is going to take a few months till the sea cools down enough where it has beneficial effects on our body. I prefer cooling down in the water in the afternoon plus coming home plus warming up with a hot bath plus a space oil furnace in our bathroom. The cold water dips particularly wake myself and others up plus recharge our spirit unlike nothing else. Coffee doesn’t hold a candle to how 55F cold water can wake you up. The Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier near myself and others has a cold water bath in the summers but they are closed for a few months because the owner is out of the country so I can’t use their bath right now. It would be great to take a cold water dip in their bath when the weather is so hot out but it won’t be happening anytime soon. I will just keep taking our cold showers plus stay cool with our air conditioning till the owner comes back or the weather starts to cool down so I can do our sea dips again. I’m not sure when the owner is coming back although I suppose it is in a month or so.