Not sure if I’ll accept the job at the HVAC company

I have no plan on how I should respond to the heating plus A/C business! I don’t suppose that I am going to be able to do the heating plus A/C business, however I absolutely need a work position.

I just don’t suppose that I need a task that badly.

I have been trying to find a task with the right heating plus A/C supplier for a long time. I am an actual heating plus A/C specialist, plus I have been finally working with heating plus A/C units for a long time. I recently moved to an up-to-date area, plus I had to find an up-to-date heating plus A/C supplier to task for, however the heating plus A/C industry in this section is kind of slow. There are apparently a lot of suppliers since everyone owns heating plus A/C units now, however there are a lot of heating plus A/C specialists in this area, meaning that works don’t come up legitimately often. The only heating plus A/C supplier that I could even find a task for was a small heating plus A/C supplier that had terrible reviews. I asked around town, plus everyone warned me that I should avoid working for this heating plus A/C supplier at all costs, then apparently, this heating plus A/C supplier had a awful reputation, plus they treat employees poorly. Also, some heating plus A/C companies won’t even hire you if they know that you worked for the heating plus A/C business. The only problem is that I don’t know if I can afford to keep dodging tasks forever. I know that I need work, plus if I don’t work for an actual heating plus A/C supplier soon, I am going to have to begin collecting debt. If only the other heating plus A/C supplier could contact me. This heating plus A/C supplier is incredible, however they have a lot of heating plus A/C specialists. Apparently, it is the most popular heating plus A/C supplier to task for.

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