I started cooking with my parents when I was only 4 years old.
They taught me how to mash potatoes plus I was in heaven when I ate them plus realized I had helped with the process. I credit them both for instilling a love for cooking in my mind that has carried over into the current day. Although I provided up the method of cooking professionally when I quit my task as an assistant cook plus went to college for IT, I still cook nearly all of my meals throughout the week. It’s a satisfying experience for me, plus I even created a resting workstation in the bedroom that I can use to keep laboring while using the fry pan or soup pot. I don’t have to run back plus forth to my lake lake house office this way, at least when I’m in the process of cooking, eating, or enjoying TV from the screen in the family room that I can absolutely see from the bedroom counter. As much money as I save by cooking all of my food, I also save on heating plus cooling repair plus repairs by signing up for maintenance contracts. You pay an annual rate plus it includes 4 repair appointments plus filter substitutements. My HVAC specialist will top-off my refrigerant while running diagnostics on the whole method to make sure there aren’t any complications that need to be fixed. One thing that he always mentions when he arrives is how fantastic the lake house smells! It’s always from whatever food I have cooking in the bedroom, so I typically offer some to him when he’s ready to leave if the meal is finished plus ready to serve.