Living on the open sea can be a challenge

Retirement is not exactly how I envisioned it, it is better.

My hubby & I both worked for so more than 2 years & raised our children so my associate and I decided that it was really time to experience the life my associate and I always wanted.

Being strapped to the same dead end task for thirty plus years taught us to cherish every moment my associate and I have left together. The kids feel that my associate and I are a bit nuts but my associate and I decided to sell the home that my associate and I lived in for all those years & buy a large boat to travel the cost. My buddy and I have challenges at times finding places to dock especially during holiday weekends. On those occasions my associate and I need to anchor out & unfortunately the weather is not always cooperative. My buddy and I have been out off the coast & the hot & cold temperatures have been less than ideal. My buddy and I had a few times when it was freezing frosty & my associate and I did not have any sort of heat aboard the boat. During the pleasant months it was relaxing & my associate and I tried to travel North in the Summer & South in the winter season but my associate and I were still caught off guard at times. I really wish my associate and I had an Heating, Ventilation & A/C system on board so my associate and I could go where my associate and I want when my associate and I want. I have been reading about some systems that are safe to have aboard & really feel that my associate and I need to talk to an Heating, Ventilation & A/C business at one of the ports to look into having one installed. What superb is it to live a life travelling on our boat if my associate and I can’t be comfortable where my associate and I are. I have even been tempted to get a hotel room at some ports just to be comfortable for the evening & that just doesn’t make sense. I prefer our retired life & don’t want anything to change, except the temperature control on our boat.

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