I need to stop playing volleyball so I can continue to do my HVAC work

I really have to change my lifestyle a bit, now that I got my knee MRI results showing me that the cartilage is gone in each one.

They stated that there is still some left but that it is mostly gone.

I am still going to try to take some supplements over the next duration of time to see if it gives me any relief. If that doesn’t work then the next step is going to be gel injections in each knee to see if it numbs the pain. I guess playing a sport for 40 years will do that, however heating & Air Conditioning machine repair is still going to have to take place at my job if I truly wish to keep my income coming in. So I have to stop playing or I risk not being able to keep up with my job, or walk for that matter. I actually have to sporadically carry a geothermal heating machine up a flight of stairs, or be on my knees for hours at a time cleaning & sealing ducts in a commercial Heating & Air Conditioning machine. I guess the supplements, along with not appreciating beach volleyball anymore, are going to be the recipe to get my knees to the point where they don’t hurt so much. I will keep working for the heating & cooling dealership doing the heating & cooling machine repairs, but as far as playing the sport I have enjoyed for so many years, I guess it is now going to turn into a distant memory. This comes as truly horrible news to me, but I will find a way to accept it & carry on.

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