I didn’t like the air conditioner in the hotel

The hotel in the A/C room where I stayed last weekend genuinely left a lot to be desired, and the stupid A/C plan would not stay on for more than a couple of hours at a time; I also genuinely couldn’t understand why In the world the people who own this hotel thought that it was a good system to put in this kind of cooling plan in all of the rooms. To me, it just seems love 1 more annoyance to the hotel guests, kind of love people being loud in the next room over or guys running through the halls in the rooms above you. Except, for me, this was even more annoying. I love to keep my room genuinely frigid when I am sleeping in a hotel. I constantly turn the temperature control way down and snuggle under the covers in the chilly frigid room; however, this was not possible at all in this certain and specific room because every many hours, the air conditioning plan would completely turn off. In a room as small as this 1 with large windows in it, the temperature would start going up almost instantly. It was driving myself and others silly and I couldn’t figure out why in the world someone would keep doing that; however anyway, it got on my nerves and I kept trying to figure out some way to keep the A/C on while I was sleeping. There was no way to rig it up, though, since it was a digital temperature control. I did not get a good night’s sleep at all and I refuse to ever stay in a hotel such as that again.


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