I did my best

Bad air quality in various areas is an ongoing issue.

  • I happen to live in one of those areas that has bad air quality.

I did my best to combat it. I ended up buying 4 portable air purification systems and I have to say that while it did not completely fix the bad air quality that gets into my home, it did in fact improve it highly to the point where we could all breathe much easier and have little to no allergy type symptoms. If I had the money to invest I would just get a whole home air purification system, but those things are way too expensive for my budget. But the portable air purification systems seem to be doing ok. I spent a few hundred dollars versus thousands and got a similar result. Because when you have this bad of air quality in your area even a whole home air purification system will not completely wipe it out like many think. I found this out from a friend of mine who actually has a whole home air purification system. I go in his house and it is not much different than mine with my 4 portable air purification systems compared to his whole home air purification system. With there being not much of a difference as I found out, I do not feel so bad in not being able to afford a whole home air purification system. I am totally happy with what I have and happy in the fact that it does actually do a little bit of good.


air purifier