So what began as a normal cold water swim in the sea, ended an hour later with 2 cops and an ambulance at the scene.
This afternoon was colder than normal I noticed as I biked to our swim spot.
It was a good test of our fortitude and I took the plunge. I was exercising and spent more time than normal in the 55F water, maybe 30 minutes. When I got out I lost our equilibrium and was shaking and stumbling, hypothermia was setting in. They called an ambulance and cops and had myself and others in the ambulance for 30 minutes. I was trying to sizzling up but they had the air conditioner blasting at myself and others and I was too confused to ask them to turn it off. I have no idea why the air was on when outside it was about 45F, but I did think that I was still chilly cold from our dip. They finally turned on the oil furnace and I slowly warmed up again. I was still shivering for another 30 or so minutes but the hypothermia was starting to dissipate. There is no heat pump in the sea and mother nature does not hold back her fury even on a calm day such as today. The sea has taken many lives from those who dare to challenge its limits and I was close to that limit today. As I rest in front of our space oil furnace still trying to sizzling up from that slap on the wrist from the sea I have even more respect for the power of the earth’s oceans.