My family room needs to have some type of gas furnace.
What is unlucky is that there is a gas fireplace right in the residing room.
The distance is just too great. The family room also has a bunch of windows that just seem to let in frigid air. I have caulked as well as added insulation, it doesn’t repair it. For years I dealt with a ventless gas furnace on the floor of the family room. It wasn’t really good at providing heat. It basically pooped out frigid air as well as occasionally would spit out moderate air. It frequently blocked up with dust as well as threatened to light my house on fire. When I realized it was time for a family room remodel, I needed to consider the gas furnace. I didn’t want another gas furnace that takes up floor space. I wanted that room for a lower cabinet. I also didn’t want something that plugs into the wall either. I hunted around for possibilities as well as I found heated flooring to be the solution. I didn’t want a wall mounted indoor air handler since those are big esureores. With heated flooring it is seagull under the title as well as out of sight. It warms everything that touches it as well as doesn’t waste energy by allowing heat to rise. It is silent when operational as well as doesn’t stir up dust since it is electric based. What was good is that I was able to save some money on the heating installation myself. I bought the electric heated mats at the hardware store as well as did the installation all on my own.