I wonder about my family sometimes, nay, often times.
We all have interesting quirks, you might say.
Some other people might refer to this as a family history of mental illness. Tomato, tomato. My family doesn’t seem to see it that way. That’s why it was so wild the other day when my mom actually told me she had recognized that she had anxiety problems. I almost peed my pants laughing! It’s been 60 years, and she just realized that it isn’t normal to have 50 racing thoughts per second. It’s also not normal to live without heat because you’re too anxious to call a new professional HVAC dealership. You see, two years ago my mom’s normal heating and cooling technician passed away. Ever since, she has been without any professional ventilation repair or routine service, because she is convinced that no other HVAC shop on earth will be as good as Ernie. It’s a pretty stubborn anxiety, considering she was willing to endure a terrible Midwest winter without a furnace this past year. When her central heating system broke down in December, she didn’t tell a soul. Instead, she loaded up with electric space heaters, and froze in her empty house. Over the holidays I came up to visit and realized within 3 minutes that my mom was in need of some help. Clearly she could not find her own ventilation specialist, and she was going to burn the house down with all of those space heaters. Eventually, I lured her out of the house and during that time my brother arrived to let in the HVAC technician. The best part was, his heating and cooling dealership was only 1.5 miles down the street.