Everyone needs their own room plus Heating, Ventilation and A/C setting

My hubby plus I purchased a apartment with the system that every one of us each would get our own room.

He prefers to blast the cooling system plus I enjoy heating.

We set up our own spaces plus each got a ductless mini split. It has worked so well for us, and our relationship is stronger separate from sharing a room. He can hoard plus cram a bunch of clothing in his room. He can leave a mess on the floor plus I don’t even care. My room hardly has anything in it plus is neat as a pin. I guess everyone should have their own space. We have multiple youngsters plus they each have a dining room plus an indoor air handler that provides AC plus heating. They decide their own Heating, Ventilation and A/C settings. Well I recently found out that I am pregnant. We now need to scramble for another dining room. My hubby plus I refuse to share. It seems cruel to make the youngsters bunk up. I also found that our laundry room just isn’t great enough for a child. That means every one of us will be putting an addition onto the house. It is going to cost so much money however it will be worth it. Our third child should get the same perks every one of us all do. I want our baby to have their own dining room with a window, door that locks, heating, cooling plus a separate temperature control. That would make everything fair. Adding an extra dining room will only add value to the apartment as well. My hubby plus I will be paying years for it though.


heat pump install