Enjoying the company of my cat

For now, I will stay here in my town overseas and keep on working like I have been to save for the trip back home in a few weeks

My cat – aptly named Mister Owl because he looks like an owl with his big yellow judging eyes – loves to watch me type and see the words appear on the screen. Half the time he sits in my left arm against my side while I am typing trying to figure out what the heck is going on. He’s tried to attack my words on the screen multiple times to no avail, so now he just watches and enjoys the word show, however today is Tuesday and I just went for a long ride by the sea and a short swim. The town here is much slower and a lot of the local companies are closing down for the winter, and I work for the heating supplier and we will be getting busier soon as Winter starts to roll in. I’m also watching a big category four hurricane as it is approaching my hometown and causing big evacuations of the whole area. I feel that the local companies will be really busy after the hurricane passes through to maintain all of the damage to homes and businesses. I may work for this new company when I go back in a couple weeks as he is going to be absolutely tied up too. For now, I will stay here in my town overseas and keep on working like I have been to save for the trip back home in a few weeks. I will do some HVAC repairs, mainly focusing on oil furnace and gas furnace repairs in some of the local businesses, and then go back home for a month during Christmas.
Air conditioning system