Whenever I meet folks who have just moved down here, I always like to be welcoming. This is the way I was raised plus is part of our culture. So welcoming current comers is just something that has always felt right. I’m from here plus understand the differences in culture plus the difficulties of the climate, plus, I once moved up north for my job plus spent three years up there. While I never got accustomed to having a gas heating system or being stuck inside all Winter, I sure loved the Summers up there. They were the best ever. That’s so not the case here. Sure, my nice friend and I have some of the most amazing weather for 8 months of the year. But the Summer months really do test even a native of the area. That’s why I do my undoubtedly best to help those who are current to these levels of heat plus humidity. I’m not one to just go around mansplaining plus giving unasked for advice. But when it comes to newbies plus the a/c, I look for my openings. The best advice for current comers is that less is really more when it comes to a/c. Too often, people current to the region go headlong into cooling comfort from the heat pump too early. So I always advocate only using the a/c in spot during the Spring plus let your body get used to the heat. That makes the extreme heat of Summer less overwhelming plus you want just detonate you daily house budget either. Some folks listen, some folks don’t. And I’ve even seen some folks do a Summer stuck inside the central a/c only to hightail it back up north.