I was having trouble sleeping the other night because the gas furnace kept turning off.
I didn’t know what was going on at first but then I realized that my furnace filter was dirty.
I let the gas furnace cool off before swapping out the furnace filter. When the furnace filter was replaced, I cranked it back on and it didn’t give me too many issues throughout the rest of the night. I was thinking that maybe I wouldn’t have to contact a local contractor to have it fixed, but I was wrong. It gave me issues again early in the morning and it became chilly once again in my home. I was disappointed because I thought the furnace filter was the problem, and I thought the issue was resolved. When I had an HVAC professional come out later to check everything out, he said that my furnace needed a good cleaning. He said the pilot light was severely clogged and that was the main reason why my furnace would keep on shutting down. He also said a few parts needed to be replaced including the blower motor and the burners. I didn’t mention anything about the dirty furnace filter because I didn’t want to be reprimanded by this guy. I knew I had to stay on top of the maintenance and furnace filter replacements. Anyway, he was able to get my furnace working fine again and I was thankful for that even though we were almost done with winter. Of course, the weather keeps going up and down. One day it’s really nice out and the next it’s snowing again. We get some crazy spring seasons around these parts.