It wasn’t rain hitting the gutter, it was our A/C system making a clicking noise! This was far worse than a rain and gutter situation, but I knew it could be fixed if I called the right people
We’ll never forget the first month in this house. As both of us were expected to transfer in, the weather was dreadful. There were high winds and nonstop rain, however that didn’t keep us from moving into our new home. As both of us were sleeping on a mattress on the floor that first evening, I woke up to the sound of something dripping. I immediately thought it was the rain outside hitting the gutters. Although it was irritating, I forced myself to block out the noise and go back to sleep. The same thing happened the minute evening, however this time, I realized it wasn’t raining. In my dreary state, I assumed there was still rain in the gutters from the rain that afternoon and it was dripping out again. However, when I heard the noise the following morning, I knew something needed to be addressed. I walked around the house trying to discover where the noise was coming from and I finally found it. It wasn’t rain hitting the gutter, it was our A/C system making a clicking noise! This was far worse than a rain and gutter situation, but I knew it could be fixed if I called the right people. I found a local HVAC dealer and asked them to come fix the clicking noise our A/C system was making. After running some tests, the HVAC dealer discovered that our thermostat was failing, which was causing the A/C system to click constantly as it turned on and off again, with a new thermostat, our A/C system would stop clicking.
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