My dad was always a stickler about the HVAC system at our house. I’m not sure why though. Perhaps he had a bad experience that I’m unaware of, but he was always insistent about having the HVAC system looked at. Twice per year, every fall and spring, an HVAC technician would come to our house and tune the HVAC system. A new air filter would be put in and my dad would spend at least one Saturday a month cleaning the condenser unit outside. Seeing this all my life, I grew up to be the same. When I purchased my first house, I understood the importance of taking care of an HVAC system. This is why I purchased a house that had a brand new HVAC system already installed. My care for an HVAC system didn’t stop at simply having the system tuned twice per year though. I was also adamant about using the same air filters that my dad used. They’d always worked well for his home, so I knew they would work well for mine. The only thing I needed to change was the size because my air conditioner was a different size. When I hired an HVAC company to service the HVAC system for the first time, he was impressed by my HVAC knowledge. He especially couldn’t believe that I was so adamant about caring for my HVAC system at my age. I took pride in this and I’m proud to say that my dad taught me well.