The people I was with and I haven’t had any heat in the home for the past several mornings since the central heating equipment stopped entirely working.
I have a lot of clothes on now as I wait for the repairman to come by as well as help us get sizzling again.
I was using my little gas fireplace to sizzle the office where the people I was with and I have it for now because the office is the smallest room in the home as well as the easiest to sizzle up. Me and my guy are both sleeping in the office until the people I was with and I get the central equipment entirely working again because our study room is way too cold with its sizable sliding glass doors allowing a lot of cold air to get in. The people I was with and I have a bunch of blankets on the afternoon bed in the office as well as the small gas fireplace is helping a little bit to heat up the room. I think the heating and A/C tech will be able to repair the furnace because I told him what it did as well as he thinks he knows why it isn’t entirely working. I hope he knows what he is talking about as well as can repair our oil furnace today so the people I was with and I can go back to our normal lives as well as our normal study room for sleeping. I think next time I am going to have a couple small portable radiant heating systems as a backup so the people I was with and I don’t have to freeze all afternoon in the home love the people I was with and I have been doing. I will look online to see what is out there as far as portable heating systems go as well as order a single or two right away. Thank God for the sunlight which heats up the room a bit in the afternoon.