Real estate agent married HVAC owner

I have a really hard time trusting people.

I know it isn’t an attractive quality to have, per se, but it does save me from a lot of nonsense in the long run to be immediately suspicious of most folks.

That was exactly my experience last year when I was on the market for a new house. I had been connected up with a local realtor based on the recommendation of a family member, but I immediately got a strange vibe from her. She kept taking me out to properties that sort of matched my needs, but largely missed the mark. Even worse, it seemed like every single house had a failing HVAC system. Even the places that I was instantly impressed by soon were crossed off the list because of the installed heating and cooling equipment. We would get so far as to view the house and communicate with the selling realtor, but upon gathering more details from them I was disappointed time and time again when the HVAC system was well over 15 years old. Each time I withdrew from the conversation and asked for new properties to consider. I simply couldn’t understand how so many houses in this area were equipped with outdated and poorly maintained air temperature control systems. I began to wonder if it was a regional problem, and no one in this area cared about their indoor air comfort! That’s just about the time when I happened to see a billboard for local HVAC company… and realized my realtor was married to the owner.


heating technician

The most ideal living situation

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I wish my life would develop in the future.

I’ve never given this much serious thought before, but recently I’ve focused more on my upcoming goals.

One of my largest aims, I’ve decided, is to live with my best friend in the future. This is not to say that she and I will live alone together. Rather, I think that she and her significant other should reside in the same place as my boyfriend and I. Everyone would have a buddy to hang out with and so much of our relationship tension would be buffered by the other parties. Additionally, together we could all afford to have the best house ever! By pooling our finances we could have a ton of property, updated features, and a state of the art HVAC system. I would really love to have a brand new, highly efficient central heating and cooling plan one day soon. I desire to have the most updated options, such as a smart thermostat to go along with the energy efficient units. That way, we could all track and adjust the indoor air conditions from anywhere with our smartphones. I also think it would be necessary to invest in zone controlled temperature control. That way, even if the four of us have differing temperature preferences, we can all stay perfectly comfortable inside. My bedroom can have unique settings from the living room, which would be distinctly heated from their bedroom! I can’t wait to live in complete harmony with the ideal temperature control system.


Rooftop HVAC

Traveling between climates

I’m very lucky to be in such a mobile relationship.

Together, we travel all over the place on our weekends together.

Much of the time we’re traveling in the name of a business matter, and the other half of the time we hit the road to go see family and friends. No matter what, it feels like we’re usually heading in a strictly north-south path from home. I enjoy all the sites along this route, but the tricky part is the degree of temperature discrepancy that we experience. Due to our weather patterns, when we move in a lateral direction across the country we pass through many diverse climates along the way. When we head up north we encounter slowly decreasing temperatures and changing sky conditions. As we move south there’s a clear difference in the heat and humidity until we hit our torpid Florida destination. All along the way we experience temperatures somewhere in between as we stop to refuel and take potty breaks. This means we’re continually changing our clothing to match the climate conditions and trying to offset the uncomfortable temperatures with hot or cold beverages to adjust. It also requires us to pack quite heavily even for short trips, because we can’t predict all the weather conditions we will encounter. Most annoyingly, however, is how sick it makes us to endure vastly different air temperatures each day. There’s nothing like sneezing the whole time you drive. I love our long road trips and sightseeing, but I really wish we could stay in a more uniform climate along the way!


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Talking about house hunting

Lately my guy and I have been having some pretty intense talks about searching for our next residence. We’ve only lived together in a rental house for about 6 months, and already we’re thinking about purchasing a home when our lease is up. You see, although it’s a huge move, it also would greatly reduce our monthly cost of living to pay a mortgage instead of rent. We’d also like to be earning equity so long as we’re dumping money into a residence every month. That being said, the maturity of the situation ends there. All we do is bicker about the specifics of the house. While he’s most interested in the space for working on his car and grilling outdoors, I’m obsessed with the lighting inside and the current HVAC system. I absolutely refuse to live somewhere that does not have fully functioning and highly effective heating and air conditioning already in place. I don’t want to roll the dice and buy a place with an outdated system and spotty service records. I’ve heard too many horror stories about old heating and cooling systems failing as soon as new owners move in. I do not want to be one of those poor unfortunate souls who continually has the HVAC technician on speed dial. I refuse to waste all of our house decorating money on stupid furnace and air conditioner repairs. I know my guy is more invested in the outdoor comforts of our new place, but I am dead set on purchasing top notch indoor temperature control.

Air purification help

Placebo effect

My husband has quite the family.

His parents are literal rocket scientists in addition to his sibling is going to school for neurology.

He, on the other hand, is a percussion mentor. As you might imagine, there are some tense family relations at times. His sibling is a bit of a goody two shoes, in addition to she consistently gets all of the attention of her parents. It doesn’t help matters that she’s also quite skilled at complaining, no matter the circumstances. She claims she’s just “sensitive” in addition to “particular,” however it seems like a lot of nonsense to me. My pal and I decided to test our theory recently, leveraging our own Heating as well as A/C system to challenge her complaining skills. His family was set to visit us for the weekend, so as consistently I was scrambling to clean up the household in addition to make it as comfortable as possible. Of course, this included increasing the thermostat to the perfect temperature settings in order to maximize our indoor comfort levels. I even had the a/c fully diagnosed by a pro Heating as well as A/C shop the week leading up to the visit, so my buddy and I would have the highest quality air possible. My pal and I knew, however, that it wouldn’t matter how carefully my buddy and I set the thermostat or diagnosed the Heating as well as A/C system, because she was going to say something. Sure enough, she made it about 15 minutes into the visit before the large scene. She came downstairs, wrapped in ten pounds of clothing, shivering hysterically, in addition to rubbing her hands together. She then claimed to be suffering an drastic hypohemia attack, in addition to asked if the thermostat could be adjusted higher. Of course, I said romanticly, in addition to pretended to change the thermostat settings without altering a thing. Sure enough, within two minutes, she acknowledged the warmer temperature in addition to settled down again…. Until it was too hot.
Commercial air conditioning

Guinea pig farm

There are a few things that I’m entirely romantic about in this world.

One of them is spreading suicide awareness amongst our local communities in addition to advocating for critical mental health reform, another thing is civil rights around the world in addition to supporting progressive social change, and probably my biggest passion, however, is raising guinea pigs.

It all started about 10 years ago, when I got my first guinea pig, Prince Albert, but he was an adorable long haired furball who resembled a toupe more than a residing animal. Soon, I got Albert a new friend, in addition to named my new guinea Papua. Pretty soon, however, I figured that they both needed more supplier in the form of a lady guinea. And so, with that addition, my guinea pig farm was born. At this point I have expanded from three to three hundred domesticated guinea pigs, in addition to I couldn’t be happier with my life. The only thing is, they are continually outgrowing their habitat in addition to costing me more currency in household renovations, but right now the largest issue facing my bank account is the need for a superior Heating as well as A/C system for the guineas. See, guinea pigs are honestly resistant to frigid air in addition to cool drafts, so I never upset much about our indoor heating before. Recently, however, I’ve read that baby guineas thrive when they are toasty sizzling in artificial heating. As such, I’ve set up a new dentistry room, which I would like to install radiant heated flooring into. Then the little guys will have accurate in addition to reliable heat right under their tiny feet. The room will need zone controlled heating, so I’m also installing a smart thermostat to operate the heated flooring… For whatever reason, when the Heating as well as A/C serviceman was inspecting my home, he also insisted I get a brand new whole-household air purifier in addition to all new HEPA air filters for my indoor animal farm. I’m not quite sure what he was getting at.

Energy saving tips

Forcing mom to get heating

I wonder about my family periodically, nay, often times; My pal and I all have interesting quirks, you might say, but some other people might refer to this as a family history of mental illness. squash, squash. My family doesn’t seem to see it that way. That’s why it was so wild the other day when my mom actually told me she had recognized that she had anxiety concerns. I almost peed my pants laughing! It’s been 60 years, in addition to she just realized that it isn’t normal to have 50 racing thoughts per second. It’s also not normal to live without heat because you’re too sad to call a new professional Heating as well as A/C dealership, then you see, two years ago my mom’s normal heating in addition to cooling serviceman passed away, but ever since, she has been without any professional ventilation repair or routine service, because she is convinced that no other Heating as well as A/C shop on earth will be as good as Ernie. It’s a pretty stubborn anxiety, considering she was willing to endure a terrible Midwest winter season without a heating system this past year; When her central heating system broke down in December, she didn’t tell a soul. Instead, she loaded up with electric space heaters, in addition to froze in her empty house, however over the holidays I came up to visit in addition to realized within 3 minutes that my mom was in need of some help, clearly she could not find her own ventilation specialist, in addition to she was going to burn the household down with all of those space heaters. Eventually, I lured her out of the household in addition to while in that time my sibling arrived to let in the Heating as well as A/C serviceman. The best part was, his heating in addition to cooling dealership was only 1.5 miles down the street.


