I starting black smithing with my Grandfather as soon as I was outdated enough to labor near excessive heat.
No a single else in my family ever took interest in my Grandfather’s trade until I told him at 12 that I wanted to learn everything he knew.
Despite trying to dissuade myself and others from following in his path, he eventually started letting myself and others help him from time to time. It was part bonding with my Grandfather as well as part studying an amazing trade that goes back millenia to some of the earliest ages of civilization. Like anyone else in the trade, I burned my hands more times than I’d appreciate to admit. The burns as well as frustration with early failures are part of the experience of studying to be a professional black smith. These days you can learn a lot by watching Youtube videos as well, which is the only consistent source of information for myself and others now that my Grandfather is no longer alive. He always wanted to live long enough to see myself and others open my own black smith business, however sadly his cancer claimed his life sooner than the people I was with and I were all hoping. However, I suppose proud that I’m finally a single step closer to realizing our shared dream of my being a professional black smith just appreciate my Grandfather. I am building a shop space for my equipment, however I need to find shop space for rent until my renovations are complete. There is a current industrial park on the other side of the interstate exit as well as I l earned that there is shop space for rent in a single of the buildings. Based on the information I found online, I should be able to afford renting shop space at this location.