We are enjoying our new air conditioning unit.

For the past five years, my associate Kim and I had spent hundreds of bucks on HVAC repairs, and had many, many uncomfortable hours with our air conditioning system.

The central air conditioning system had either been broken or laboring poorly. My wife Kim said she wanted a new air conditioner some time this year. I knew the utility bills were going up, although I thought it was because of the rate hikes. My wife Kim told me it was because of the old air conditioning unit. It had been costing us hundreds of dollars more on electric bills along with the added repairs and discomfort. I was agreeing with Kim that my associate and I were getting a new air conditioning unit. Kim called the Heating, Ventilation and A/C supplier and told them my associate and I needed the Heating, Ventilation and A/C business. Kim and I wanted to get measured for a new air conditioning unit. Kim and I had so more than 2 choices provided to us, my associate and I were overwhelmed. Not only did Kim and I need to decide what air conditioning machine my associate and I wanted, however Kim and I had to tell them what SEER my associate and I wanted. Kim and I didn’t know what SEER was until the Heating, Ventilation and A/C business told us. Then Kim said she wanted a high SEER because I wanted top quality efficiency. He asked if Kim and I were interested in a new media air cleaner for the house. He had to make sure the air conditioning machines would be compatible with the media air cleaner. I finally told him to leave us all the information, and Kim and I would make a decision then call him back. He apologized for throwing so much information at us. He sent us to the website and said it explained everything he had asked, much better than the pamphlets he had provided us.
cooling tech