I heard a odd noise coming from the boiler, so I contacted the commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier that handles all of our heating plus cooling needs, then i didn’t want the boiler to shut down in the middle of a task.
I have a fantastic relationship with the local heating plus A/C business.
I know the owner honestly well, plus I get excellent service plus good rates. I called the contractor when I heard their odd noise coming from the boiler. I spoke directly with the owner of the contractor, she told me that she was going to send a current contractor. I asked if the current contractor could handle the problem, however the owner of the heating plus A/C repair supplier told me that everything would be just fine! Everything did not seem nice when the young girl looked like a deer in the headlights. She honestly didn’t seem like she had any idea at all how to repair the problem. In fact, I heard the young girl on the phone with another repair contractor, about 30 minutes later, a second woman arrived. The second contractor was much older plus looked like she had more experience. The two women inspected the boiler issue together plus fixed the problem with ease. After the repair was finished, the boiler was no longer making the noises. I don’t know if the young girl would have been able to repair the problem on her own, but I was really happy that she decided to call for help instead of using my commercial boiler as a test subject.