Mom plus dad have planned a trip to go plus see my Grandparents over the Holidays.
I am looking forward to seeing them however wish that they were coming here instead. I dread going to their house because it is regularly sweltering hot. I never want to say anything because I don’t want to make them unhappy however they keep their house plus nearly eighty degrees. You head in from minus thirty plus feel like you stepped into a sauna. I can’t sleep at night because it is so warm plus I have even been known to open my window to let in the freezing air, but the one time when my mom came into my room while we were visiting plus realize that I opened the window she was miserable with me because I was wasting energy however then she realized that I may have needed the freezing air just to feel comfortable; She tried to explain to me that as you get older your overall temperature variations plus many older people need the extra warm in the winter season to not feel achy. I’m sure I will understand this more as an adult however for now I just wish with a would come plus see us instead plus we could just keep their room warmer; My associate and I even purchased a separate Heating, Ventilation plus A/C equipment for the guest room for just this purpose plus the rest of us remain comfortable while they can keep warm too. The mini split equipment in that room can heat or cool it to whatever temperature they want plus is even controlled by a remote. I hope next year they come to us instead.