Lately my guy and I have been having some pretty intense talks about searching for our next residence. We’ve only lived together in a rental house for about 6 months, and already we’re thinking about purchasing a home when our lease is up. You see, although it’s a huge move, it also would greatly reduce our monthly cost of living to pay a mortgage instead of rent. We’d also like to be earning equity so long as we’re dumping money into a residence every month. That being said, the maturity of the situation ends there. All we do is bicker about the specifics of the house. While he’s most interested in the space for working on his car and grilling outdoors, I’m obsessed with the lighting inside and the current HVAC system. I absolutely refuse to live somewhere that does not have fully functioning and highly effective heating and air conditioning already in place. I don’t want to roll the dice and buy a place with an outdated system and spotty service records. I’ve heard too many horror stories about old heating and cooling systems failing as soon as new owners move in. I do not want to be one of those poor unfortunate souls who continually has the HVAC technician on speed dial. I refuse to waste all of our house decorating money on stupid furnace and air conditioner repairs. I know my guy is more invested in the outdoor comforts of our new place, but I am dead set on purchasing top notch indoor temperature control.