The one thing I hate about getting older is that technology keeps advancing.
Kids these days are growing up in a world where everything is right at your fingertips.
I’m not going to lie, I am a little jealous of what they have compared to what I had when I was younger but that is just a little. This is going to sound a little boomerish but when I grew up we just lived life. There were no cell phones or internet or anything like that. We were just on our bicycles and beat on our friend’s parent’s door to see if they were home. That was part of the adventure. Life was way simpler back in the day. Obviously, there were things we’d all love to change about the history of others and myself growing up but I felt we were freer. Curfews were about the sun setting for dinner. I miss it but the advancement of technology can make life fun in other ways. You can call friends or family at will, you have movies, books and video games at your fingertips. If you need to know how to cook something or learn about how to change a car tire you can just look it up on your cell phone or computer. Recently, my son bought and installed a smart thermostat in my home. I have a cell phone but really don’t know how to use it. My son thankfully is an HVAC technician who works for one of the largest heating and cooling businesses in the world and he knows his stuff. Just like everything I said before, now I have temperature control in my home. My sunset it all up for me because I couldn’t do it but this is another great technological advancement that amazes me.