My sibling is getting on my case about the air filters

I’m young, living life the way I want to plus I don’t have the pressures of living at my dwelling with my parents anymore.

  • My sibling comes over quite frequently though plus makes sly comments about my well-being plus things similar to that.

I usually just pass it off as nothing but it does bother me that she does it every single time. I play numerous styles of video games, I don’t care to get outside plus go to the beach. I hate the sunshine plus the heat of the outdoors on top of that. I love my air conditioning but these last few months it’s been a little clunky. I know why, it’s the air conditioning device filters but I easily don’t want to spend my cash on something I can’t even play with. Air quality isn’t essential to me but others feel I’m in the wrong here plus I just don’t easily care. I love getting takeout, plugging my headset in, plus dominating the online shooter world. It’s something that I thoroughly enjoy plus like I said I’m young. As a matter of fact, I’m only 22 years seasoned plus people need to understand I’m living the life I absolutely adore now because as I get older, I’ll have responsibilities that will take me away from this life. I look forward to the days of being a father plus having a wife but that is so far down the road, I don’t even think about it too often. I would say I’m not even an eligible bachelor which is okay with me. I believe those air filters should be changed but that is a setback for tomorrow plus not today.



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