I broke down yesterday and bought some bacon strips so I could make a tasty egg omelet with them.
I’m not sure what the rule is with eating bacon when it comes to the frequency you should be eating it, but not having bacon for many months I think I am okay to eat it a few times this month.
I think I read somewhere that you can eat 60 grams a day, or two ounces, and not have any issues from the fallout. Two ounces is very little meat, but if you are making an omelet it’s enough. The heating repair worker I knew ate bacon every single day for most of his life and still lived to be 90 years old. I guess it comes down to genetics and exercise routines, but 90 years old with a bacon filled life sounds like a good one to me. Anyway, today I will run the air conditioning system a bit to cool us down as the temps are going to be really up there from what I have heard. I will work at home and not go to the beach till later in the afternoon when things calm down a bit. There is a music fest tonight at this local business and we are going to sit outside by the portable a/c devices they have for keeping people cool and listen to the bands play. My band is going to play tomorrow at some point once this festival ends and it should be a fun time with all of the people here in town.