Doctor Sandra is a fantastic healthcare worker who has a great personality. She certainly knows her stuff plus she can figure out what is happening with you plus prescribe the respected amount of medication one would need within minutes, but people love her plus get frustrated if she is on vacation or sick. Some people will even reschedule their appointment to make sure they have her as a healthcare worker. I feel that is a bit silly because if you are sick, don’t you know you should see a healthcare worker so it doesn’t actually become worse? The thing about the Doc is that she thoroughly enjoys her central air conditioning, however we, the other doctors can’t really deal with it plus yes, it gets pretty chilly in the building at times, however the air quality isn’t the finest at times but my pal and I suffer through it because my pal and I see all the blissful faces that get to see her on their visits. I’m just blissful that she has a great personality plus is undoubtedly understanding. To be perfectly fair, outside of the central air conditioning she is understanding but will draw the line if someone makes an attempt at turning it off. On top of that, I don’t know if our healthcare worker’s office would be open if my pal and I didn’t have her to be honest. She stands out that much for people plus it’s necessary for me plus the other doctors that we need to have a job. I just know on days she isn’t here, the thermostat settings are totally changed plus my pal and I get a little break. Anytime Doctor Sandra lets us know that she might take a day off, my pal and I push for her to take the day off.